Not receiving any type of billing statements


I have no clue which category or "board" to use.  I am not receiving any type of billing statements - either by mail or email.   Last month I logged onto my account because I knew that I had made a purchase but could not remember if I had paid for it.  When I logged in I saw that the amount was due the next day!  I immediately paid it.  Now a month later I have the same issue.  I know that I owe a balance, but I have received zero statements.  There is one thing that is common to both charges, and that is that both purchases were made with the multiple payments over time options (even though I usually just pay the whole thing). Other than that, I do not know why I am not receiving any statements.  I prefer paper statements because email statements are too easy to overlook, but I see no option to do that either. 

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Hello @LHnTX 


Thank you for posting in the PayPal Community and welcome!


Sorry to hear that you're not receiving the statements for your PayPal Credit. I would recommend you to check and update your preference to receive statements again in the settings page of your PayPal account. Here's the article with the steps to update your email notification preferences. You can also contact the PayPal Credit team to update your preference to receive paper statements. Options to reach the PayPal Credit support team can be found here


Best wishes,


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Thanks.  None of the notifications were "on" in Paypal Credit.  I find it perplexing why getting notifications of upcoming due date at least would not be defaulted to "on".

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