No buttons option



I'm in the UK and someone I know in the US has asked me to add paypal buttons to their website for them. They gave me their login details for that purpose and I can login alright but there is no option to add pay now buttons. There is a smart button option but no where to add the price or details for a button.

At the bottom of the buttons page is just says: You’ll have to use our trusted partner sites to add our “Buy Now,” “Add to Cart,” “Subscribe,” and “Auto-Billing” payment buttons to your platform."

Another thing i've noticed is when I hover over the pay and get paid link at the top the drop down options don't include those for excepting payments via buttons.

I don't want to go down the route of the standard checkout, I just wanted to create some buttons and embed the code in our site.
can anyone help please?

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I would love to know this answer as well. I am in the U.S, and have no way to add a button to my website. Can anyone share some insight on this?

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Hello @DanRae @BSWW,

Welcome to PayPal Community Forum and thank you for posting!

I am sorry to know about the issue with buttons. In this case, I would recommend you to contact PayPal Merchant Tech Support so that our concerned team can help you accordingly.


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Hey, Moderator! I am having trouble accept payments from my friend, he sent me this screenshot which says "Sorry, this recipient can't accept payments right now!" @PayPal_Ayesha 

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Hey @sunilshukl64,


Thank you for reaching out to us on PayPal Community Forum! I understand your concern about receiving money. Please be informed that if you have a PayPal personal account then you can only make purchases through PayPal. If you own a PayPal Business account, then you must be able to send and receive international payments through goods and service payment option only. If you're having trouble receiving payments on business account, please check your Resolution Center to see if there are any notifications regarding your account status. You may also contact PayPal Customer Support Team through the available contact options on our website if you need any help. Support is also available on Twitter or Instagram via Direct Message or a Private Message on Facebook




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did you find a way to create a button with just copying and pasting a code or any type of easy way?

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