Looks like something went wrong. Try again later. Invoicing Gone Wrong

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"Looks like something went wrong. Try again later."

Well, this has gone on for over 2 months now and Pay Pal needs to fix this ASAP! 

What happened?  What did you do to mess this up? 

I need to show payment PAID so I can print out receipt and send to customer.  Not able to do this anymore.

I get "Looks like something went wrong. Try again later."  Yeah, something is WRONG!

I have been frustrated and patient.  Why aren't you fixing this?  



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Hello @GreatHornedOwl,

Welcome to PayPal Community Forum and thank you for posting! 

I am sorry for what happened and I understand it is unacceptable. I will quickly run through this with you and see if we can get this sorted right away. Thank you for getting this to our attention! This is something that others have also reported and our Concerned team is investigating and trying to fix it as soon as possible. For this situation, you can contact PayPal Customer Support so that they can take down your account specific information and add it to the records so that our specialist can look into it and resolve the issue. Kindly do not hesitate to reach out to Customer Support by sending a DM on Twitter or Instagram or a PM on Facebook. Support can also be reached by clicking 'Contact' at the bottom of any PayPal webpage. 


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