In saved Paypal buttons how do i determine which buttons are active.


In saved Paypal buttons how do I determine which buttons are active?  I have about 60 buttons saved but only 14 are active.

I'd like to delete the inactive buttons to clean up the list.  I see an ID# in the saved buttons list but there is no corresponding ID# number on our actual products page to match up which ones are active.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Hello @Joia1

Congratulations on your first post in the PayPal Community! 

I'm sorry you're having difficulty sorting through your PayPal Buttons. If you visit this Help Center article, you can learn how to edit buttons. I also suggest visiting our Developer Documents. If that doesn't help, please do not hesitate to contact Customer Support by selecting 'Contact' at the bottom of any PayPal webpage. 

I hope you can clean up your buttons soon! 

- Meghan

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