How do I disable this interstitial Staples advertising webpage as soon as I log in?


Every time I log in I am taken to an interstitial page that is simply an interrupting advertisement for Staples. This is absolutely annoying and invasive. I just want to access my information and account, not be forced to skip past this webpage to access my account. Is there some way to turn this off or do I need to resort to some sort of web page filter?

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Hello @MoonstoneGhost


Welcome! Thanks for visiting PayPal's Community Forum. I'm sorry to hear there's some frustration around your logging into your account. If you have a Business account, you may see an offer to check your eligibility for PayPal's Business Loan, is that what you're seeing? If that's the case, I'm sorry to say there is not a way to disable that prompt. However, have you tried our mobile app for business accounts? It will have most of the same functionality and you don't normally see any kind of additional prompt or advert while logging in. 


Apologies for any inconvenience this has caused, 


 - Jon K

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