Costumer payment for custom invoice constantly gets automatically declined.


I am trying to sell an item on PayPal through the custom invoice system. I create the invoice with all the required information and send it to the customer. But, when they pay for the item, it automatically delines the transaction a few minutes later. This has happened with two different customers, preventing me from safely selling the item. It also refunds the amount back to the customer and closes the invoice. I do not know what I or the customer is doing wrong and would like help resolving this issue. 

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You have a personal account. You're in the USA. You are not permitted to do commerce (sell items) with a personal account. You would have to change the account to a business account. Personal accounts allow you to add money, keep a balance in your PayPal account, buy up to your spending limit, send money requests under certain conditions approved in the PayPal user agreement make no-fee cash transactions between 'friends and family' from a cash balance in your account (not with a credit card). But personal-account holders must not sell items using the 'friends and family' option. 


I hope this helps.

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