Company name on customer's bank statement


Good morning.

We sell subscriptions on a website.

These subscriptions are recurring.

For some time now, we have had a lot of disputes because the name that appears on the customer's bank statement is the name of our company and not the name of the site.

This became a real problem and we didn't have this problem when the company had the same name as the site.

Do you know how we can get around this problem?

Thank you in advance for your advice.

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Hello @Lovea83

Welcome back to the PayPal Community! 

I understand you'd like to change the name that appears on your customer's bank/credit card statements. If you visit this Help Center article, you can find guidelines on how to update those details. 

I hope this helps to eliminate any confusion for your customers! 

- Meghan 

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Thanks for your help.

Indeed, it is possible to adjust this display on the customer's bank statement.

Thank you again for your help.

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