Can’t open new Mastercard account

I had a PayPal MasterCard, which are closed with a zero balance. I called today to try to reopen the account and after being transferred eight times between MasterCard, customer service, and PayPal customer service. No one could help me. PayPal MasterCard customer service said that the account does show closed with a zero balance and I would need to speak to PayPal customer service to have them manually remove the card so that I could reapply. They transferred me to PayPal customer service who told me that no card showed on my account and then they transferred me back to PayPal MasterCard customer service. This went on for a total of eight transfers and no one could help me resolve this issue so I cannot reapply for the MasterCard because it says I either have one currently or have had one and it will not let me reapply and no one at PayPal could help me.
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Sorry but if neither paypal customer services or mastercard customer services can't help you then not sure what you expect us to advise or do?

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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