Can anyone help a frustrated disabled lady that's feeling sorry for herself?

New Community Member

Hi folks- no idea if im doing this correctly or if anyone will EVER SEE THIS AT ALL! I'm an older, disabled, tech illiterate human with terrible ADHD on top of it!! I use PayPal all the time but I only know the absolute minimum skills in all things computer. Since I am on a fixed income and my credit is not the best, I use a lot of "pay in 4". However, when something is pricey, that's often close to impossible because the payments, although a wonderful option ,aren't always feasible.  So, I am finding myself now using several different sites to make different payments and I have more than once, simply forgotten something because it's so confusing to have 15 payments a month using 5 different sites. I was thrilled when PayPal announced their "pay monthly" program because that could eliminate a HUGE problem for me. I use a different site altogether for longer term borrowing up to a year. However, I have PayPal Mastercard, their deferred credit card, usually at least 5-7 "pay in 4" plans going at the same time, etc, etc, and it would be alot easier with my disabilities to do everything on 1 page. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY. can give me ANY INFO on how to use the monthly pay plan! I'm wicked frustrated. Can anyone help? Has anyone used this option? The chat both only knows pay in 4 ( direct quote). I am completely computer, social media, EVERYTHING TECH RELATED ILLITERATE, HONESTLY, so please have a heart and answer me like you would a toddler. Thank you so much! MAYDAY

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