Available credit still not updated

I’ve noticed that this has been asked before, but I’ll ask again anyway. I paid my Mastercard card on Dec 9. It cleared my bank on Dec 11, but my available credit still hasn’t been updated. What’s taking so long?
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Same thing. I use it and then pay it down right away. I should have 628 available and after I made today's extra payment, the available credit went down another $50. I may just zero out and not use it if it's going to be like this all the time. I like my CapOne card because it will credit same day or next day depending on what time I pay and the amount. 

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Hello @Ajl1966 and @shinycquin

Welcome to the PayPal Community; we appreciate your posts! 

I apologize that you did not receive a response before now, @Ajl1966. I understand both of your payments towards your Paypal-branded MasterCard did not apply to your balance right away, and I'm sorry to hear that. From my understanding, your balance should be updated within a few days, but it can sometimes take a full billing cycle. To inquire if it can be expedited, I recommend reaching out to Synchrony Bank, which services the PayPal-branded credit cards. You can locate their contact information in this Help Center article or by calling the number on the back of your card. 

I hope this helps! 

- Meghan

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