Activating Digital PayPal Credit Card


So I "ordered" the PayPal Debit Card last night, and it should be arriving by November 6. However, with the digital card, shouldn't I be able to activate its usage now? I'm still required to enter a card when prompted and I can't activate it with the CVC through the activation page.

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Hello @DavidAlejandro1

Congratulations on your first post in the Community! 

I understand you'd like to use your PayPal Digital Debit Card number before your physical card arrives in the mail. If you're checking out using PayPal, you will only need to select your PayPal Balance as the payment method. You won't need to add a card. However, if you're checking out on a website that doesn't accept PayPal, you can use the digital card number, which can be found by following the instructions on our Help Center here

I hope this helps! 

- Meghan

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I appreciate this. I made a purchase on the Nintendo website, this time selecting credit card and the purchase went through. I guess I found it odd since Nintendo does have a PayPal option, but I was always required to input card information.

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