How do I specify my backup funding source?


Screenshot_3_LI (2).jpg


I DO NOT want it using that Visa card as a backup method, I want to use my MasterCard or my other Visa as the backup method for all transactions if my chosen payment method has insufficient funds. However, I have not been able to find an option to manually select my backup payment method.


It seems like PayPal automatically selects the last card added to the account as the backup and then refuses to let you to change it without deleting that card. After which, it'll choose the next card last on the list of cards linked to your account.


Is that how it works?


In the image provided, clicking that "change" link only allows me to change the primary payment method. Which allows me to choose between my PayPal balance (if there is one), three credit cards, and my bank account. If I select my bank account or my PayPal balance, the backup funding method is automatically selected as the credit card that I do not want used and I'm not given the option to change it.

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You choose the backup payment method just before you finalize/send your payment.

  1. Log in to your PayPal account.
  2. Click Send Money.
  3. Enter the required information.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. In the Payment Method section, click Change.
  6. Choose the backup payment method you would like to use from the drop-down menu.
  7. Click Continue.
  8. Review the information and click Send Money to complete your transaction.

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Kudos & Solved are greatly appreciated. 🙂

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



You choose the backup payment method just before you finalize/send your payment.

  1. Log in to your PayPal account.
  2. Click Send Money.
  3. Enter the required information.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. In the Payment Method section, click Change.
  6. Choose the backup payment method you would like to use from the drop-down menu.
  7. Click Continue.
  8. Review the information and click Send Money to complete your transaction.

Also read:

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I'm not sending money to a single person. I know how to do that as I've done it in the past without issue.


I'm making a payment to Square Enix. A window/tab pops up after I choose PayPal as my payment method on the SE site, I choose PayPal Balance (already set as preferred method) as my primary method, and then I am given a chance to confirm my chosen options. However, I am not being given the option to choose my backup funding method before finalizing the payment. It seems like it just chooses the last card I added to my account as the backup method for me, without giving me the option to choose one of the other two cards.


Following your instructions gets me as far as step 3 and then I'm stuck at, "Enter the recipient's name or email address".

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It's ridiculous that this problem has not been solved yet. Heck, Paypal hasn't even addressed it. It seems like it should be simple to fix, and it can cause serious issues.

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My reply was marked as spam and removed. I'm not even going to bother re-typing it...


I know how to send money to a person, I've done that before. That's not what I was asking how to do.


I'm making a payment to Square-Enix via their website and am simply not given the option to change the backup payment method should there not be enough funds in the PayPal Balance or my Bank account when either is chosen as the primary method. I can manually change the primary method without issue, while the backup method is automatically chosen for me. Which I do not want done because it chooses the credit card that I do not want used.


I want to manually select which credit card gets used as the default backup method.



Now my previous reply is actually showing up... I swear the site told me it was marked as spam and removed...

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I've been looking for a solution to this problem for years and PayPal has not given any real answers as to why we can't choose a backup payment, I always have this problem and because of that my accounts have gone in the red. I haven't used my account in some time for this reason.

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I have the same exact problem - I never want my business card used for anything without my express permission. Recently ebay decided to take an authorisation fee, only $1 but I freaked out thinking a business can just access my card with no authorisation from me - especially since I have another card preauthorised for eBay attached to PayPal. There seems to be no way around it and I removed my business card from PayPal because I have noticed it’s the backup card for everything from Pet food stores to Uber to Deliveroo. This problem is not “solved!”
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It's probably my most requested feature. Can't believe it still hasn't been implemented yet.

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solutions I see DO NOT say how to change the BACKUP funding source, just the main funding  - Mine was changed, and I need to change it back

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I have the same issue.

I managed to get as far to go into the change preferred method and chose PayPal balance - it then showed a small text stating "In the next step you will choose your backup card". However, that step never showed for me... and my non-preferred card was chosen... again. 😓

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