Allow payments in GBP (Twickets)


I am trying to sell ticket on Twickets but there is an issue. Do you know how to solve it?


We've detected that there may be some issue(s) with your PayPal account that could affect your Twickets listing. We want your experience with Twickets to go as smoothly as possible, so we've included instructions on steps you can take to resolve the situation.

Check Your PayPal Currency Conversion Settings

What's The Problem?

We've detected that your PayPal account may not have a GBP balance. Please immediately check that your Payment Receiving Preferences on PayPal allow payments to be sent to you in GBP.

Why Are You Emailing Me About It?

If your PayPal account does not have a GBP balance, or it is not setup to accept and convert payments into your currency automatically, buyers who pay in GBP will be unable to purchase your tickets.

How Can I Check My Currency Conversion Settings On PayPal?

  1. Go to and log in to your account.

  2. Scroll down to ‘Selling Tools’ and click ‘Seller Preferences’.

  3. Scroll down to ‘Getting paid and managing risk’ and click Update on ‘Block Payments’.

  4. Under the option ‘Allow payments sent to me in a currency I do not hold’, make sure you have selected ‘Yes, accept and convert them to [your currency]’.

  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click ‘Save’.

If your PayPal is already configured to automatically accept and convert payments from other currencies, then you don't need to take any action.

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