[Subscription] Find out whether user has subscribed to a specific plan before


Hallo, for a customer project I have created 2 plans, 1 without trial (P-abcd) and 1 with trial (P-xyz) since dynamically changing trial is not supported according to this Post.


Now I have to make sure to offer the Plan without trial (P-abcd) to Paypal Account that had subscribed to the Plan with trial before (P-xyz). (Existing User on customer webpage creating a new 'fake' account to 'cheat' new trial period)


Is there a way to query User Paypal Account for existing or previous subscription with plan with trial (P-xyz) after User has logged in after clicking on the Paypal Button? Is this possible at all?


And is there a way to change the Plan to the Plan without trial (P-abcd), if previous query returns true, after user has logged in with their Paypal account using the Button? And if this is not possible, then is there any way to void the trial period (with the Subscription API) after creating the subscription on the merchant side?


Otherwise is the Paypal Account blocked from having the trial again if it has subscribed to P-xyz before? Question from this Post.


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