Requesting Advice on pushing shipment tracking information from NetSuite to PayPal


Hello, I am posting this from my personal account because I am a new backend developer for a company, and at this moment in time, I do not know their l/p for the site. I have access to PayPal Manager but I did not see a direct way to ask questions there without logging into itself.


We use NetSuite for our business, along with Magento 2 for web sales and ShipHawk for shipping. We use a Celigo product to push/pull between NetSuite and Magento and ShipHawk communicates with both of them as well. Once an order goes through its sent to ShipHawk for shipping. Once the order has been processed the information is sent back to NetSuite it will depend on the order type, if the order is from the web, the information is passed along to Magento. But if it is a phone order or walk-in orders (shipping wouldn't apply here) they just say inside NetSuite.


Inside of Magento, we are configured to use PayPal Payflow Pro and PayPal Express Checkout, just so you know which type we are using. Which I do believe is the same configuration on NetSuite or about the same. Inside the PayPal Manager, it says PayPal Payment Pro and Payflow SDK/API (Full Access) as well.

The issue we are having is that PayPal will start holding the money in the account for 21 days if we do not reconcile and close out the orders. So we are having to manually go in and get the tracking information from NetSuite and paste it into PayPal, which is not a fun task.

I do see some options where the information may be able to be pushed up from Magento to PayPal, but that doesn't cover all of our orders so I wanted to post on here for advice, thoughts, real-life examples of methods that have worked. Plus this was from a google search and the results and proper answers can vary a good amount.


Any assistance, guidance or thoughts are welcome and appreciated.


Best Regards,


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