problem to link paypal account with prestashop checkout module

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we have a problem to link our account with prestashop checkout module. When we try to do it the system show this error: 

    "id": "b79aef84-2447-4dfc-9951-48f0165e2f99",
    "timestamp": "2024-03-23T09:47:34.868Z",
    "method": "GET",
    "url": "/configuration/7faaedd[Removed. Phone #s not permitted]f6fa939589e2925a8f74a281d114a230ea7542",
    "params": "{}",
    "error": {
        "code": 400,
        "message": "merchantIdInPayPal must be a string, merchantIdInPayPal should not be empty, merchantId must be a string",
        "errors": [
                "reason": "INVALID_INPUT",
                "message": "merchantIdInPayPal must be a string, merchantIdInPayPal should not be empty, merchantId must be a string",
                "data": {
                    "details": [
                            "field": "merchantIdInPayPal",
                            "issue": "isString",
                            "description": "merchantIdInPayPal must be a string"
                            "field": "merchantIdInPayPal",
                            "issue": "isNotEmpty",
                            "description": "merchantIdInPayPal should not be empty"
                            "field": "merchantId",
                            "issue": "isString",
                            "description": "merchantId must be a string"
                    "context": {
                        "hmac": "09a6236[Removed. Phone #s not permitted]4a230ea7542"
                    "level": "error"

 can someone help us? thanks

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Hi @enotizy 


Thank you for posting to the PayPal Merchant Community.


The error description: "merchantIdInPayPal must be a string" indicates that the merchant ID is not entered correctly in your PrestaShop dashboard. Please verify the ID in PrestaShop matches the PayPal Merchant ID in your PayPal account. You can find this ID in your PayPal account settings in the business information  section []


If you are still experiencing the issue after verifying the Merchant ID is correct, please create an MTS ticket via the following URL: Please ensure that you provide detailed information and error details when submitting the ticket.







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