Special instruction not working for my button


I've created a Buy now button and, even if I've checked the "Can your customer add special instructions in a message to you?" option, no area to add instruction appears to my customers.


Can you help me please?

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I have the same issue too.  I added a 'Add to cart' button and the add instructions is enabled (this is the default) and there is no area to enter the instructions when you check-out.  And I agree this is totally ridiculous not to have this option when you check-out and having the workaround being to add the comment at the front end web site page. 

The confirmation e-mail even has a section that indicates that the buyer has not entered any instructions!!!

And to add insult to the injury they have a feature on the set-up that has been depreciated?

It is amazing that 'reputable big' companies like paypal operates like this.

This feature to be reinstated as soon as possible!!

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Please fix this feature.

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This somehow still doesn't show on the checkout page, which might get customers worried about their custom message aka special instructions to the seller not being passed on.  Can you please elaborate why this message doesn't show up in the checkout page?


I did try with and without adding the custom attribute in the button creation page as well, like so

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The solution with the additional inputs in the form is not working. Did a test transaction and the extra fields have dissappeared completely.  Is there another step in the process that I'm missing?


Can I also add that according to the timestamps in this thread, this feature has been depreciated for over 8 months, and yet all of your documentation, and the button factory itself, still indicate that a feature that doesn't actually exist is still there.  

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