PayPal Shopping Cart Questions


Hi all. We're using the PayPal Shopping Cart and recently received this message:


It looks like you’re using an older PayPal integration. Update now to offer Venmo, Pay Later options,1 debit and credit cards, and our latest features. There’s no additional cost.


The shopping cart works GREAT, and we didn't need to change it, but the boss kept getting these emails and had us upgrade to the JavaScript API, which isn't working the way we hoped it would. So my questions are:


1. Is there any problem with continuing to use the old PayPal shopping cart system?

2. If no, then is there a way to continue using the shopping cart, AND not get these emails anymore?

3. Is there an updated PayPal Shopping cart implementation that calculates shipping and taxes like the old one?


This new JavaScript API seems to want US to build a shopping cart, and we don't want to do that. Thanks.

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I'm using the old style buttons and I use the Paypal Shopping Cart, but I haven't had a popup or an email saying I should upgrade.
If it's like THIS

then you've got no hope of changing it as it's controlled by PayPal, BUT if you upgrade to PayPal Pro you don't get any popups (apparently, for now . . .)

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Yes, we WERE using the old style just like you. It worked perfectly. PayPal sent multiple emails saying to upgrade, so we did. Starting to think upgrading was a mistake though, because I can't figure out how to get the new stuff to work as well as the old stuff.

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