Is mass payout available in Canada?

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I first called Paypal regarding mass payout + business account verification four weeks ago.

Despite calls, I cannot pull up the mass payout page, and I keep calling. Every time I called, they all said the same thing, “Let’s submit another ticket; it will take five business days.” (I’ve been doing this process at least five times with different people) But no issue has been resolved, and there is no email response whether it’s approved or not.


And three agents said, "Payout is not available in Canada."

But the other three agents said, "It is possible. I asked my supervisor!"

Apparently, It is possible when you look at the doc here:


Is there anyone having the same issue never hearing back from back office regarding enabling Payout? 



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Good day @mmmnssas 


Thank you for posting to the PayPal community.


Yes, payout is available in Canada, and you can make use of its functionality.


For more detailed information, I kindly request you to refer to the detailed guide provided in the links below.


To integrate the Payout Standard API, please use the following link-


Please refer to the link for access to the list of supported countries-


If you are still experiencing issues, please create an MTS ticket via the following URL - . Please ensure that you provide detailed information and error details when submitting the ticket.




PayPal MTS


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