I can't activate Paypal express checkout in Shopify


Hello there!
I've opened lots of stores on Shopify, but so far, I've never stumbled upon an issue like this. I want to add PayPal as one of the payment gateways to my Shopify store, but whenever I click "activate Paypal", give Shopify the grand permission to my account it requires me to give, it simply redirects me back to Shopify and says that my account is not activated even though I just activated it. I don't get any errors or anything, it just keeps showing that the paypal gateway is not activated, even though I just activated it.Screenshot (299).pngScreenshot (300).pngScreenshot (301).pngScreenshot (302).png

I tried everything I could come up with: did it on different devices, disconnected all the other payment gateways and so on, but nothing has helped. I just keep getting asked to activate Paypal again and again right after I do it.

I'd love to share a screenrecodring, but there's no option like that.

Please let me know what I should to activate Paypal,


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Good day @kostify,


Thank you for posting to the PayPal community.


Please make sure your LIVE PayPal Business account is verified and confirmed without any account limitations


Steps to integrate Checkout with Shopify.

Here's how:

  1. Log in to your Shopify admin panel.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click Payments.
  4. Select PayPal Express Checkout within the PayPal module.
  5. Click Activate.
  6. Once directed to a PayPal login page, log in to your PayPal account and click I Give Permission.
  7. Click Back to Shopify.
  8. Under Payment Authorization, select:
    • Automatically capture payments for orders (Immediate Sale).
    • Manually capture payment for orders (Authorize only).
  9. Click Save.



If your still facing any issues, please create a MTS ticket via - https://www.paypal-support.com/s/?language=en_US  with the detail information and error details.


Note : We recommend merchants to integrate our latest PayPal Checkout (Smart button) product.

Guide link : https://developer.paypal.com/docs/checkout/standard/ 

Please follow the below steps via your PayPal account. 

Login PayPal.com >> Hover on your name at the top right corner >> go to "Account settings" >> Website payments >> PayPal buttons >> select "Smart Buttons" button type.

Login PayPal.com >> go to direct link "https://www.paypal.com/buttons/" >> follow the above steps




PayPal/Braintree MTS


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