Can no longer edit paypal buttons


As of today I can not edit my saved PayPal buttons and I cannot create a new button and add in a shipping price.  My only choice is to accept the ones chosen by Paypal.  I spent a few hours with customer service to no avail.  I tried several times and each time the blank will not let me add a zero figure. So I sell digital ebooks and my customers are being charged outrageous shipping fees.  Costing me t lose business.  I have a personal account.

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Good day @Sam1233,


Thank you for posting to the PayPal community.


PayPal Website Payments Standard (WPS) is a legacy integration. 


You should be able to View your saved buttons and edit the specific WPS buttons.


Important : We recommend merchants to integrate our latest PayPal Checkout (Smart button) product soon.

Guide link : 

Please follow the below steps via your PayPal account. 

Login >> Hover on your name at the top right corner >> go to "Account settings" >> Website payments >> PayPal buttons >> select "Smart Buttons" button type >> fill all the required details.


Login >> go to direct link "" >> follow the above steps


If your still facing any issues, please create a MTS ticket via -  with the detail information and error details.




PayPal/Braintree MTS


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