I am not able to Link my Kiwi Bank to my Paypal Account

New Community Member

Hi there,

I would like to get some helps in here. I am trying to link my Kiwi bank to Paypal account but it does not let me ( saying incorrect bank account) 

I am using the first 6 digits are the Bank Number and the rest 9 digits are bank account. 


I am not sure what I have done wrong, but it's still an issue. 


Please helps .



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Esteemed Advisor



If your entire bank account number is formatted like this: 12-1234-123456-012


The first two groups is bank/branch number (don't enter the dashes). Bank account number will be the 6 digit account number and suffix, the second two groups. Some banks give you 3 digit suffix but use only the last two digits or don't enter the zero. Enter bank number or code as "121234", account number "0123456-12".

Kudos & Solved are greatly appreciated. 🙂
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New Community Member

I am still not able to link my kiwi bank account to my paypal i have done what is recommend but i have yet still had no luck could you please help me out?  

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Has anyone got an answer for this plse. I am with Kiwi Bank and still cant link it. Called Kiwi Bank and they have no idea. Told me to call Paypal because there is only a CERTAIN format that they accept.
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I am with kiwibank and have successfully linked 2 accounts. Bank name is the name of the account. Ie John smith. Bank number is 38 then your next 4 numbers. Ie. 389019 Account number is the next digits 7 numbers and then a dash and your suffix. Ie 1234567-00. As I've said I've done it this way twice and it worked
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New Community Member

I did everything you said. It says it has linked to the bank but STILL will not me move funds into my PayPal. Any ideas?

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I'm not sure I fully understand. Linking your bank account means you can withdraw payments into your bank account which usually takes 3 days. If you with to add money to your paypal account I think you need to use a credit or debit card.
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Super helpful. Thanks heaps! I never would have thought to put the account name in the 'bank name' section.


It also wanted a hyphen before my suffix before it would accept my account. Just leaving that here in the comments in case someone else experiences the same.

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Thanks to the kind soul who answered this question. Logically "bank name" is the name of the bank, not the account holder!! Also the account number to the average person is the full account number, not just the last 9 digits! Frustration after frustration like this with Paypal. But thank you, i have finally managed to transfer funds after months of trying. Emigrated and had new phone and email. What a performance. I'll not recommend paypal to anyone.
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this worked! thank you.

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