How do I disable PayPal’s Currency Conversion

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How do I disable PayPal’s Currency Conversion.

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PayPal Employee
PayPal Employee

Hi @akredfearn 


Thank you for raising this concern. There is no option to disable currency conversion. When your payment is funded by a debit or credit card and PayPal determines currency conversion is necessary, you consent to and authorise us to convert the currency in place of your debit or credit card issuer.


You may have the right to have your card issuer convert the currency of the card payment into the currency in which you send the payment from your PayPal account, if applicable for that card issuer and network. This selection may be presented to you in various forms, including a choice of which currency is used for the transaction, whether we or your card issuer performs the conversion, or which conversion rate is used for the transaction, among others. If your card issuer converts the currency, your card issuer will determine the currency conversion rate and what fees they may charge.


PayPal will always perform the conversion for transactions where you use existing balance or your linked bank account is the funding source.

If PayPal determines currency conversion is necessary for a transaction that also requires a backup funding source to be chosen, you may not be able to separately choose whether PayPal or your card issuer performs the currency conversion on the payment from your backup funding source.

Where a currency conversion is offered at the point of sale by the merchant, not by PayPal, and you choose to authorise the payment transaction on the basis of the merchant's exchange rate and charges, PayPal has no liability to you for that currency conversion.


This information is from the PayPal User Agreement.


Hope this helps.


Kind regards,


Kudos will be much appreciated

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**bleep** move by Paypal as well as self destructive. This means Paypal will lose all my online purchases, especially the recurring purchases. And will get marginalized to only the highest risk payments, which are about 1% of my online spend.


The word about this will spread fast and Paypal will lose most of its financial space.


ps. once you lose customer, they don't come back

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I hate what paypal did.  They automatically convert my purchase to my local currency, and when refund came I loss around 8 dollars because of the conversion rate.

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Basically they are a rip off. My paypal balance used to get automatically transfer every end of the month at my acc which is in usd currency as my paypal balance. Now what they do is this, they dont transfer my money as it is in usd currency, but they do exchange it to my country's currency with their own currency converter which is ridiculous, and then my money has to be converted as well by the bank to usd currency in which my acc is. When i asked them why this is done they hesitate to answer and finally i get and answer saying they changed it the way the automatic transfer is done. Never been happy with this company and i believe there are thousand of customers like me, their end is inevitable, now people will have more choices how to pay


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Aggreed. Now PayPal lost me too

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Yes, they are forcing currency conversion for their benefits. I get option to change when I do manual transactions but for auto debit Paypal is using their conversion which is not appreciated. I get 0.75% as conversion fee where paypal varies from 5-7% 

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They lost me to... *Bleep* you paypal.

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While I do get your frustration, PayPal has been doing this for years and their business hasn't been affected much.

That said, not having a default setting for not converting currencies is a whole d*** move. Their conversion rate is ridiculously expensive and adds no value to the user whatsoever. Every time I forget to change the currency setting while purchasing something I basically give away PayPal 5 to 10 USD for absolutely no good reason

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Wrong. There used to be an option to disable automatic currency conversion. 

There are tutorials online that don't apply anymore, because the interface changed. 

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