MY money is being withheld without cause for more than 7 days now!


Paypal has been holding my funds for 9 days now, after being told repreatedly on the phone that it would b e 7 days. It's all on the phone record. Yet, they are doing nothing to release my funds and have come up with another policythat allows them to hold it for 14 days. I am furious! This MY money! No articles arenbeing shipped , so there is no delivery to track. There is no issue with the Sender of the funds, which they could look into, if they cared....I wil NEVER use Paypal again!!! How can one run a business with Paypal as a partner without a relilable expectation of when they will ebe able to access their money? ! Very unahppay and will be reporting this on all social media and advising friends to reject Paypal. and their new global corporate agenda to control us and our money.

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They told me they will hold my cash for 7 days and they don't make any interest on it HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, pull the other one its got bells on it !!

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Its just a scam to make interest on our cash

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I have the same issue, its so Paypal can hold huge amounts of our money & make the interest on it for a week or so - its a total rip off but you can do nothing about it apart from make sure everyone you know on Facebook, Google + etc knows about this shabby way Paypal are making extra money from us - I feel like a victim of a massive scam ...Oh I am ...okay

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