how can i switch to a regular account?

New Community Member
Every time i log into paypal a popup question comes up asking me to switch to a business profile- which i do not have- and this time i accidentally clicked yes. I immediately went back but it already confirmed.... And so now paypal is asking me all this new information and i want it to stop. i cant find any option to go back to a regular account and now it is prompting me to confirm my identity which i cant because i cant access my ID or ssn (i've already confirmed this before)... so i cant use my account and i cant switch it back to a regular account. do i really have to wait until i have my identification? how can i go back to a regular account? its driving me nuts
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



There is no automatic way to downgrade a business account to a personal account, you have to contact customer services and they will do that for you.

Or you could just close your business account (removing all subscriptions / financial info etc first) and open a personal one.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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