account closing


I want to close my account.

The customer service is not available, I cannot contact them in any way.

My account has limitation but I do not know how to remove them.

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You can't close an account until any limitations are resolved first.

Normally paypal direct you to the resolution centre to resolve any issues.

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If I click on the resolve your account limitation button, nothing happens, it just takes me into my dashboard, where there is no further info. What else can I do to get help from them?

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Esteemed Advisor



Then it doesn't sound like a temporary limitation, are you sure its not a permanent limitation? Did you get an email at all re a permanent ban?  

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To be honest with you I am not sure.

I only bought a book with paypall like 5 years ago, and I decided that I want to close it as I do not use it at all.

The problem is that I cannot contact them and I cannot get any help from them. I do not want to call their numbers, as it is a us number and I live outside of the us.

I created this topic so that maybe I can get some help.

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Have same issue, floor level of support. Might even say master of idiots. Zero help, no way to contact with them coz we are living in XXI century and no email provided. Dear PayPal if I can give you rate it'd -10000000000
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Yes, I totally agree.

Horrible customer support! Probably one of the worst.

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If its a PERMANENT ban then you may well not be able to contact them as you are no longer a customer of theirs.

Other than that most folks have no issues contacting them via phone or message as per link.

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For last year I try to close my account. I left Ireland on December 2022 and my bank accoun was closed as well. When I try close account there is a problem, and am getting death end loop. When I try to remove card (inactive) it ask me to contact customer service, but I can't do it coz I'm unable to open support case or even write new messages from message centre. I'm unable to add new card, coz do not have Irish bank account any more, and my Polish card was refused. When I try to close account again it ask me to contact customer service but again I'm unable to open support ticket or create new message from message centre. If that's wrong email, please provide proper one, I'm not able to call Ireland, costs are crazy high from Poland. DID NOTHING WRONG TO GET BAN!!!!
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Esteemed Advisor



Paypal is country specific so you may find your account limited if you try and access it internationally as you should close it before you move.

Advice is voluntary.
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