Urgent Request for Account Deletion Due to Unrecoverable Access Issues


This letter serves as a formal request for the immediate deletion of my PayPal account due to critical access issues and personal circumstances that have made it impossible for me to manage or use the account in any capacity.

Approximately two years ago, I relocated permanently from the country where my PayPal account was registered. Since the move, I have not returned to that location, nor do I have any intention or possibility of doing so in the future. This change in my living situation was not accompanied by an update to my PayPal account details, specifically my registered phone number, as the account was not in use at the time of my departure.

Regrettably, the phone number associated with my account has been out of service for over a year and a half. It is now either completely deactivated or reassigned to another individual. This situation has rendered me incapable of receiving text messages or any form of authentication requests sent to that number, effectively locking me out of my account.

Despite this setback, I am fully prepared to confirm my identity and proceed with the account deletion process. I can provide a copy of my passport and any additional information required via email. My primary goal is to ensure the security of my personal information and to comply with data protection regulations by having my account and all associated data permanently removed from your systems.

I understand the seriousness of this request and do not make it lightly. However, given my circumstances and the potential risk of leaving such an account inactive and inaccessible, I believe this is the most responsible course of action.

Please advise on the next steps required for verifying my identity and completing the account deletion process. I am eager to resolve this matter promptly and am available at your earliest convenience for any necessary verification procedures.

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Esteemed Advisor



Paypal is country specific so if you move countries you have to close your old Paypal account and open a new Paypal account registered in the country where you now live. You would then need to add an address / phone number / bank accounts / cards from within that country.

You should really withdraw any funds / resolve issues / remove cards and bank accounts / cancel any subscriptions and close the old Paypal account before you move countries. If you don't then you may have problems doing so once you have moved and may need to contact customer services for help to resolve things.


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Thank you very much for your reply. Yes, I have now recognized it, but too late to fix anything. Unfortunately PayPal doesn't have a helpdesk where I can leave a ticket or something usual like that, and the chat is always telling me that there is no one available to help me and this status for a few days now. I would like to get help from support but I have no idea how they do it.

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



All the ways available for contacting customer services in your country would come up in the link I posted in my first reply.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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