Upgrade to business account problems


I'm trying to convert my personal PayPal account to my business account. I follow all the steps to do so - it's imperative I retain my business gmail address so I created a new personal gmail account, filled in all the correct data for the business account (employer ID, etc).  When I arrive toward the end, it gives me a "something went wrong" alert with a set of numbers. Call PayPal and just get looping answers. Zero help!


I've been a member of PayPal since 2009 and an LLC since 2016 and never had any issues with Paypal till now. I have payments being held. This is getting old real fast!


Thanks in advance for any assistance. BigHook

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You are only allowed x2 paypal accounts if x1 is personal and the other x1 is business, if you have 2 of the same type you risk them both being limited. However Paypal sometimes allow a 2nd business account but you have to get approval from customer services first.

Advice is voluntary.
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Thanks for your response kernowlass. I only have just the one business account. I'm attempting to create a personal account. Unless my eyes are wandering, whenever I log into PayPal now, I'm in business account jail with no choice to do so in the drop down menu.

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Hi @BigHook


Thank you for your post, and welcome to the Community! I'm sorry to learn that it has been frustrating to determine how to change your account type. I'll be happy to help!


If you're running into difficulty upgrading from Personal to Business, please contact Customer Service for assistance. A representative can troubleshoot the issue and help get it resolved.


If you're looking to change from Business to Personal, the change will have to be completed by a Customer Service teammate manually. A downgrade from Business to Personal can only be done once in the lifetime of the account, so manual review is required. 


If the issue is something different, please elaborate further to allow the Community an opportunity to better assist.






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