SMS Sent on Home phone number

New Community Member


when I try to connect with app on phone, it sends the SMS to my HOME phone number which can't receive SMS. And I have not the choice to be called on this, like with the web. How can I receive the SMS on my MOBILE ? or be called. I have not other phone number available...

Thanks a lot

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Hello @Jacquot73,

Welcome to PayPal Community Forum and thank you for posting!

I am sorry know that you're having trouble while login into your PayPal account and I understand this can be frustrating. Unfortunately, it is not currently possible to log in to your PayPal account without entering the code for security reason. Since, the home phone number cannot receive the code, the only best way to resolve this issue is by contacting our customer service so that one of our advisors can assist you further. Please contact customer service by clicking contact at the bottom of the PayPal website to see the contact options. Once you contact them , you'll need to update your mobile number to gain access to your account. Support is also available by sending a DM on Twitter or Instagram or a PM on Facebook

I hope this helps.

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