Re: TaxID hold not updating 3 days later

New Community Member

I am in the same boat. I called multiple times and have been told "We are sending this concern to the back room" and that "this is an ongoing issue" with "no date that it will be resolved". I'm so upset, honestly wish I could sue them for this. The amount of money being held from me is not a small amount and I tried refunding the money to the person that sent me it, which they pulled from my bank account, and I barely had the funds to cover it. So now I'm out double the amount that is being held from me. I'm currently pregnant and my baby is due in a few weeks. Like I need this money... It's ridiculous. Has anyone gotten their money yet? @Daevin19 @TaxID15MinLie @zmoqzmoq11 @PayPal_Olivia @Temp20230421 

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