Quick security check


For the past few days now, i'am getting nothing but "Quick security Check," Every time i log into this Account.

I have been a customer for over 11 years with paypal, and this is the first annoying situtation I have dealt with. 

I have rang them several times I had a nice bloke help me out in the Australian server phone support but still couldn't tell me what was 

doing this, He told me to "change password",I have been doing this every time i log into my account I dont fail my account sign in 

i know my passwords And its getting annoying since i have been doing nothing but changing my password since FRiday night  (8th / 03/24

I also have the screen shots on what I get when it happens i have tried clearing cache passwords and all and it has not changed, i have also had the American server support  tell me theres some sort of blocking happening on my internet end?? its still going on even after she by passed a few things ... 


I have tried several ways and im confused because when im trying to also change my password when i put my number in the screen wiillll go white..

blank white.... I find it fishhyyy and to frequent with how many times i have done this 






below are the screen shots. 


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