Problems Transferring Money From My Bank Account To My PayPal Account


Hi. Yesterday before going to bed late at night, PayPal wanted me to enter a mobile phone security code in order to transfer money from my bank account into my PayPal account. It took me many attempts of logging in and logging out on two different browsers and trying to add funds all the while trying to figure out why the 6-digit security code kept refusing to be sent to my mobile phone.


Today when I woke up out of bed, it suddenly dawned on me to check the spam folder on the phone and lo and behold, there it is, all the security codes that I received.


Unfortunately due to my many attempts of logging in and out and trying to add multiple different amounts of funds, and because PayPal has no doubt detected suspicious behavior, PayPal has locked me out of trying to add funds to my account.


PayPal now wants me to ring this number in order to get things sorted out:[Removed]


I understand that I may need to ring this number on Monday in order to straighten out the problem, but because I have difficulties with verbal communication and have a phobia of speaking to people over the phone, and because PayPal does not have a proper email address where I can exchange emails with a real person, I am hoping that a PayPal representative within the community may be able to further assist me.


All I need is for somebody to reactivate the mobile phone security code on my account. Now that I know the security codes are all being sent to my spam folder, I should now be able to gain full access to my PayPal account.


Thank you.

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