PayPal won't accept my details or let me fill out my profile

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Hi, so I am new to setting up a PayPal account so I can use it for my freelance work. I started to setup my account but when I got to filling out my profile section, PayPal wouldn't accept my details in terms of postcode and what city/country I live in. It keeps registering as invalid and only accepts cities and postcodes within the Taiwan area. How am I able to get PayPal to accept my details? If anyone can help me out I would really appreciate it. 

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Esteemed Advisor



Which countries paypal account have you opened?

 If you live in Taiwan then its the correct one.

Click on the settings icon next to log out (the cog) and see what it says next to nationality, is it the country where you live?

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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