Not receiving OTP to Log In


I am not able to receive an OTP to my phone number that is clearly stated with the last 3 digits when logging in. I have attempted to call my service provide and said that if i am receiving OTPs from other companies then my network has no problem. I also called Paypal but the funny thing is the operator said that they dont see my number registered in the account when CLEARLY the last 3 digits of the mobile number shown in the website is already my number. At this point I do not know what to do.

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May be you made an error entering the number?

Check and try again?

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The last 3 digits shown where they will send the Code is correct, it is my number. But no code is being sent to my mobile number after several attempts. I used to receive OTPs from my number with the same account. Something happened before that I am not able to receive it and Paypal was able to fix this issue. When I am trying to log in now, the issue came back where I am not able to receive the OTP again. So how to access my account urgently?
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