Non-Resident USA LLC Formation - PayPal Registration with UAE Address and Tax Document Matching


I am currently in the process of forming my LLC in the United States as a non-resident, and I have encountered a question regarding the registration process on PayPal.

To provide some context, I am a Pakistani national residing in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, due to my employment. Since PayPal requires a residential address during the registration process, I am unsure whether to input my UAE address or my home country address.

Given that I am currently employed in the UAE and do not pay taxes there, I am concerned about how this might align with my tax documents. Should I wait until my LLC is formed and then use the UAE address, ensuring it matches with my tax documents? Or can I proceed with the UAE address during the PayPal registration process for my USA LLC?

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Hello @myapparels


Welcome! Thank you for visiting PayPal's Community Forum and thinking of PayPal for your business needs. If you are living in the UAE, you would need to open a PayPal account based in UAE, not the US. You would not be able to operate a US PayPal account while living outside of the US. If you have opened a US account, I would recommend closing it and opening an account in the country you're currently residing. After you create an account with the country you're currently residing, you'll normally see what is needed to operate as a business when you go to Verify your account. 


I hope that helps!


 - Jon K

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