My account is private but PayPal is asking for business details


I have received money from someone using goods and services while they were my friend and now PayPal is asking me for business details.

What should I do? My account is personal and not a business one!

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Hello @ITheEqualizer

Thanks for stopping by the Community, and welcome! 

I'm sorry to hear you've been requested to supply documents after receiving a Goods & Services transaction. It sounds like you either have a payment hold or a limitation. You can learn more about both by visiting the Help Center links I've included. If you're asked to supply business documents that you do not have, please write a letter explaining why you're unable to supply those documents and upload it in place of them. It's not a guarantee that the letter will be accepted, but it can sometimes help. 

I hope this helps you supply your details! 

- Meghan

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