
New Community Member
I have problems opening the app, Paypal always asks me to write my password to continue. But for God's sake, I have written my password correctly many times. I even have changed my password several times, but it always says "try checking your data and try again". Please help
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Hello @Mafaazah

Welcome to the PayPal Community! 

I'm sorry to hear about the difficulty you've experienced when trying to log in. I recommend clearing your cache and cookies, trying a different browser, or even the PayPal Mobile App. If you continue to receive the same error message, please reach out to Customer Support by selecting 'Contact' at the bottom of the PayPal website. 

I hope you can log in soon! 

- Meghan

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Same problem im facng
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Hi @Temp20240108V

Thanks for joining the PayPal Community! 

I understand you're also having difficulty logging in, @Temp20240108V, and I'm sorry for any frustration it has caused. I would also like to apologize, @Mafaazah. I just realized I misread your first post and have now realized that you were specifically unable to log into the PayPal Mobile App. 

For the PayPal Mobile App, I recommend clearing the App's cache in your phone's app settings. If that doesn't work, please uninstall and reinstall the App. Logging in through a mobile web browser or desktop is an alternative option if the error keeps happening, but I also suggest contacting Contact Support to report it if it does. 

I hope this helps! 

- Meghan

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