Log in problem(Not recieving an otp code after I capture my username and password)


Good day,

My friend has trouble logging in to her account.After she enter her username and password,she does not recieve an sms with an otp code and thus can't gain access to the account.She tried calling paypal customer service but the number never goes through.She can't even use message center because this option requires you to log in your account before you can chat to a paypal assistance,which she can't do because she cant't access her account.Anyone who can assist her in this regard,your help would be greatly appreciated.


She is based in South Africa.



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Hello @neokayiya


Welcome! Thank you for visiting PayPal's Community Forum. I'm sorry to hear your friend has run into issues logging into their account. it does sound like they would need to contact our Customer Support teams for assistance with this particular concern. I would recommend reviewing the hours of operation on this Help Center article here; How do I contact PayPal customer service?

I hope that helps!


  - Jon K

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I'm literally having the same problem. I'm also in SA. The issue with contacting PayPal is that you need to log in to contact them, and you cant log in due to this OTP issue. Its a real catch 22. I had to make a new account just so that I could reply on this post and try to get in contact with PayPal.  

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I cannot receive an OTP from. paypal
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Hello @XolisileK,


Thanks for visiting PayPal's Community Forum. 


Apologies for the inconvenience you are facing while trying to log in to your PayPal account. For this situation, kindly contact PayPal Customer Support so that our they can look into it and resolve the issue. You can reach put to our Customer Support Team through the available contact options on our website. Kindly reach our customer support team via phone and kindly select "Call us as Guest"

Hope this information helps!


Warm Regards,

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