Language barrier how to change English language

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I only speak English but when I try to speak to a paypal assistant their message is in a different language how can I change that and how can I request a higher monthly payout
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Hello @D832


Welcome! Thanks for visiting PayPal's Community Forum. Sorry to hear you've run into some speed-bumps on your account recently. Here's How to change the display language on your PayPal account.


Here's also an article you may find useful if you would like information on Holds and accessing your funds. 


I hope that helps,


 - Jon K

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Is that country specific? Only no language change option on my paypal account. 

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Hi @kernowlass


Thank you for replying! I believe that the language choices would be limited to the ones offered for the country or region associated with the account.


I hope this helps!




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Guess Paypal doesn't support Cornish  🤗

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