I need to close my PAyPal accont but - Sorry, we couldn’t confirm it’s you -


I need to close my PAyPal accont but "Sorry, we couldn’t confirm it’s you". Craziness - I am not able to enter in do do anything, but Paypal is ready to charge me for inactivity. There is no email/web support so I can solve it with support and I aun unable to call USA (or which it is) Paypal helpline. What to do now? I need to cancel my PAyPal account...

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Additionally I found that I can cotact Paypal via Facebook messenger, but it speaks to me in my native (czech) language. Any answer in czech/englis is answered "I do not understand".

It offers to me to connect me wit operator, but after this offer is answered by Yes (or Ano in czech language) nothing happens 😞 .....

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Hello @Jantars,

Welcome to PayPal Community Forum and thank you for posting!

I am sorry to know that our system is unable to confirm you and the fee charged for inactivity. In general, when an account is not being used, that would be the PayPal's fee for an inactive account. This will be applied only if the PayPal accounts that have no activity in the past 12 months. Please note accounts with a zero balance won’t be impacted and this won’t result in any negative balance. Since you would like to close account and unable to login to your PayPal account, the only was is to contact PayPal Customer Support Team through the available contact options on our website or contact through alternative options such as Facebook by sending PM, Twitter and Instagram on DM. You may continue to write in English, our English Speaking advisors will get connected.


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