I need help , cuz I can’t come in


I can‘t come in to my account, because they write : we are having trouble making sure it‘s you. Thanks for letting me know if I can login normal back. Mateja [removed]

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PayPal Employee
PayPal Employee

Hi @MatejaSkerget 


Thank you for visiting the PayPal Community Forum. It’s unfortunate to hear that you can’t access your account, this usually happens when our systems can’t identify whether you are trying to login into your account. In this situation, I recommend you contact our phone support for further assistance as this needs verbal confirmation.  

You can find the number to reach us by going to https://www.paypal.com, scrolling to the bottom of the page, selecting Contact, then clicking Call us. Please note that charges may apply depending on the terms and coverage offered by your phone provider. I appreciate your patience; your inquiry will be addressed soon. 


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