How to stop the confirmation codes to come to my mobile number?


Hi, I don't want to receive confirmation codes to my mobile. I will be travelling shortly and will not have access to my number. 

How can I change this? 

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Best not use your paypal account whilst travelling in other countries as it is country specific.


When traveling, a login from a different country than where your PayPal account is registered can appear like an attempt by a third party to take over your account. Due to this, PayPal heavily limits and often prevents use of an account while traveling. 

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Hi, thank you for your answer. I do understand the security behind this, but the problem here is that I will be gone for 3 months and part of my earnings go through PayPal. I can't really change it to a different bank account because all I use is Revolut and I am not able to set up the payments through it on the platforms I use. If the security is such an issue, I can use VPN, but I do need to change the option so I don't receive the messages. Is there a way of doing this? 

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Sadly you can't stop the notifications, also don't use a VPN as paypal don't allow it and may limit your account permanently, all bad news unfortunately.

Advice is voluntary.
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That's ridiculous. People travel all over the world and they need to use the app. Wasn't it created for comfort and flexible lifestyle? No wonder everyone's moving to Revolut or Wise. It's much easier to use and they are cheaper with transfers. I will need to figure something else out. Thanks for your help. 

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