Error: "Something went wrong. f1992671d08fb"


What does this mean? How can I fix it? 


Also, how can I add a local bank account? There is only an option to add a US bank account.


Also, is there anyway to get rid of having to do thousands of CAPTCHAs every time you are on he site???



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No idea what that random group of letters/numbers means, guess it depends on what you were trying to do at the time?

You can't add a local bank account in your country, you need to add a credit visa to be able to receive funds on an Albanian paypal account.

The U.S option is there because paypal is a U.S company and allows its citizens living abroad to add their bank accounts to international paypal accounts. 

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I was verifying my business account. A screen that keeps looping over and over, not letting me do anything else. If you don't know what that error is, who does?


Why is Albania banned from having a connected bank? Without that, PayPal is basically worthless. They don't have credit visas here. 


So Paypal is only for Americans?

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Hi @GoatLuvver


Welcome to the Community and thank you for your post! I'm sorry to hear that you've encountered difficulty adding a bank account, and I understand the frustration with Captchas. They do pop up from time to time. Do you use a VPN? If so, that may be a cause of the frequency of the Captchas. (Please note that use of a VPN with PayPal is not permitted, and will almost certainly cause difficulties.)


If you're adding a US bank account and getting the above error, please take a look at this troubleshooting page for things to check with errors adding your bank


As mentioned by @kernowlass, in some countries, it is not possible to add a local bank. The services and products provided in each country can vary, often due to regulations and other considerations. I regret the inconvenience.


I hope this information is helpful!




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No, I don't use VPN. But why would that be not allowed? Adding a US bank is illegal. Strange that I added a local bank, despite not being allowed. Seems you guys don't even know what you are doing.

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I just added an Albanian bank account. Why would you not be able to? You can for every other country.

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You have no idea what you are talking about.

Paypal is country specific and what you can and cannot add is again country dependent.

Also try reading the user agreement if you want to see why you can't use a VPN.

Adding a U.S bank account is certainly NOT illegal. However that option is only available to folks that have opened a U.S bank account in the U.S and are living abroad. As paypal is a U.S company they are allowed to add their bank account to other countries paypal accounts.

Hope your Albanian bank account works for you, I doubt it would as that is not what you have to add to a Paypal account in your country to receive funds. 

Anyway I have added you to my list not to help ever again as you are so rude.

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Hi @CatCheese,


Thank you for joining the PayPal Community Forum and sharing your experience with adding an Albanian bank. I'm not sure why that was successful, however. The documentation that both @kernowlass and I independently found points to the inability to add a local bank in Albania, as is also the case for several other countries. As kernowlass also stated, it is indeed legal to add a US bank to your PayPal account.


Please note that all parties' posts that are not pertaining to the subject at hand have been removed and this thread has been locked. Please review the PayPal Community Forum Rules and Guidelines. We want to make sure that everyone can participate without any issues.


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