Dispatch address comes up as old address even though I only have my new address saved


Hi everyone, so I have this strange problem where when I’m buying something that requires the website I’m using to use the address saved to PayPal it always uses my old address, the thing is my old address is no longer saved on my account only my new address is saved and yet my old address always pops up as the dispatch address, it’s quite annoying and I’d like to get rid of my old address but have no way to. Help please. 

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Hello @MrMWB,


Welcome and thank your for posting your concern.

We understand your concern regarding the address update. Kindly reach out to our customer support to get help updating the address. Please reach out to the Support Team during business hours by clicking the Contact option at the bottom of PayPal page. If your unable to login into your PayPal account do reach us via phone and kindly select "Call us as Guest". 


Hope this information is helpful for you!

Warm Regards,

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



When you enter an address during checkout on a merchant's website, it can get retained as a hidden address on your PayPal account. Hidden addresses may later show up in another merchant's checkout as an option. In order to get an address removed that was added in this way, it would require contact to Customer Service. Just mention that it's a hidden address and a representative can get it removed for you. To see your contact options, click Contact at the bottom of the PayPal website.


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