Disassociate email address from PayPal account


Some years ago I owned a webshop with an own domain. I stopped this many years ago and also the domain expired since I did not care anymore. What I forgot is that somebody could takeover my domain and continue to receive emails as I had something like contact(at)domain.com. So what happened is that somebody hijacked my old Etsy store which was also connected to that email address. The person added many digital art listings and I started to receive payments to my PayPal account. I still don't know what the "attacker" tried.


I deleted this email from my PayPal account but the payments continued to arrive. So it seems the address remains active even I deleted it.

The customer support told me that they can not stop this and that I need to check with Etsy and maybe with the PayPal technical support to see if any APIs are still active.

The technical support then told me that the Etsy payments are done via "DoExpressCheckout API" and there is no way to stop that on PayPal side.


Now the question: How can I permanently disassociate an old email address which I do not have any control over anymore from my account to prevent any future issues? I fear that the person may continue to do shady stuff with my PayPal ID.

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