Cannot login to my paypal, infinite captcha

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Cannot login to my paypal, infinite captcha

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New Community Member

I found the solution to the CAPTCHA problem... Pay with a credit card or google pay.... This is so frustrating to deal with...


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New Community Member

I can't believe I had to do a CAPTCHA to post... at least this one works... Peak Capitalism is so disappointingly horrible...


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It would be fun to have a solution here.
I have 2FA switched on. Before, using the browser I always use, I would log in with my username/password and then I would get the page for the Authenticator number and voilà... in my account.
Now... for no reason... endless hcaptcha loop.
To get here to right this... I had to use a browser I never use... but I got the 2FA page.
Oh hell... I'm logged in with my user and there's a captcha bellow this text box.
PayPal... somebody on your staff needs to be shown the door.
My browser works at my bank. Works at my credit-card. Works at the government.
PayPal... you're the one in the wrong. I don't need PayPal to live. Fix your... stuff!

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I was running into this same issue after switching to a new phone, was driving me absolutely crazy. What ended up fixing it for me was temporarily turning off the VPN on my phone to log in, so if you use VPN, I'd recommend trying that out and seeing if it works.
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