Cannot log into Paypal with Google Chrome.


I'm not sure if I'm asking this in the correct board, sorry if not !

Over the last few days I've been having issues logging into Paypal, I have to delete all Paypal cookies before I try to log in.

This is only happening with Google Chrome and only with Paypal ?

I have completely emptied all cookies & cache ect  but its the same every time with Paypal.

Once I've deleted cookies ect I can then log in but have to go through the same process the next time I try to log ?

Any advice appreciated.



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Hello @jactac,


Welcome to PayPal Community Forum and thank you for posting!


I am sorry to know that you're having issues while logging into your PayPal account. Thank you for getting this to our attention! This is something that others have also reported and as per the information that you've shared, it seems like this might be an issue with Chrome. In this case, you may try to login using different browser and I am sure that should work. If you're still having issues with different browser then, you can contact our Customer Support Team through the available contact options on our website. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Customer Support by sending a DM on Twitter or Instagram or a PM on Facebook. Before you proceed, please make sure you are logging from a secure location and avoid using any VPN’s or Proxy Servers.


Hope this gets sorted quickly,


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Same, including logging in here to respond to this thread. The issue means that when trying to pay for basket items with PayPal, having used Chrome to shop, the transaction hangs and can not be completed. I then have to ensure that the basket is saved, log out, log back in with Safari or Firefox and complete the process from there. This began 6 months ago,(on Chrome) so far unresolved inspite of many attempts to resolve, and like the original post only temporarily resoled by clearing PayPal cookies.

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