Canceling account


I want to cancel my old account. I cannot login because I forgot the password. I receive the first verification code via email to reset the password but I cannot receive the second one on my cell phone. The cell phone number I have for the account in question is not valid. 

How can I delete this account if I cannot log in?


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Well I will explain my issue again
I have another paypal account. The e-mail on that account is valid. The phone number is not valid. I want to delete the account but I cannot log in. 
When I try to reset the password I receive an email with a pass code and then the system tries to send me a txt to a number that is not valid. Authentication is not complete so I cannot reset the password and I cannot log in to delete the account.
For the time being I find no way to issue a ticket to customer care, All articles tell me to click on message center select my issue and follow the instructions. I cannot start a new message. 

Is the an email address to contact them????? 

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



All the ways to contact customer services is in the link I have already posted for you.

Try phoning them. 

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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