How to receive 2SV/2FA codes in email, NOT on phone as text?


I want to receive 2-step verification codes sent to my email, and NOT phone SMS text. But I cannot find any option for that on the Dashboard. Am I missing something, or is there indeed no way for us to set and prefer receiving those in the email only as opposed to SMS phone text?


(My gmail is 10 times more secure to receive the codes, than my text messaging sms on the phone (which is essentially an open postcard  that can be hacked, compromised and read very easily). The SMS text options should be the 2nd or 3rd priority for sending such potentially dangerous account-security information. Reading text messages off phone, at the source at telcos, and even while they arrive on the phone is getting ridiculously easy for hackers. It's been well documented and researched for years.)


Thank you very much.



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