How long could it possibly take to review a disputed claim??

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I purchased a video game on ebay from someone in China on Nov. 25, 2011.  Granted, I did not know this person was in China until I had already completed the transaction, as his location was not on his ebay seller profile.  There was a USPS tracking number given, but the last notation listed on the USPS tracking site was in Jamaica, NY on Dec. 12, 2011.  I waited a couple weeks, still received nothing in the mail.  Tried contacting the seller, got no response.  Was told I would have to file a dispute claim with Paypal, and I did that on Dec. 27, 2011.  Dec 30th rolls around and I am informed that my case is under review by Paypal, and that they would let me know something by January 16, 2012.  January 16th comes and I receive this email from Paypal, "It's taking a little longer than we expected to reach a decision. We're actively working on your case and will notify you on the next steps as soon as possible."  It's been 2 WEEKS since I got that email.  How long could it possibly take to review a claim that OBVIOUSLY shows I did not receive the game I bought?!  For crying out loud, I live in TENNESSEE....NOT Jamaica, NY!  Paypal needs to get on the ball, get their heads out of their rear ends and quit fiddlefarting around with my claim.  It's been over a month since I filed my claim, and over 2 months since I purchased the stinkin' item.  What the heck?!  It doesn't take a month to do a little research!  Geeeeezzzz!


Has anybody had a similar problem with Paypal taking their sweet time on a dispute claim like this?

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yeah they sure do take their sweet time.  Best bet it to just call them by phone

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